Landline No. : 02269736100
Extension No. : 6100
K J Somaiya School of Education, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai – 400 077
Mon-Fri: 10 am to 6 pm
(To update profile)
Dr Hema Rajendra Bhadawkar is an Associate Professor at the K J Somaiya School of Education, Somaiya Vidyavihar University. She holds post graduate degrees in Chemistry, History, Education and Philosophy to her credit. She has an academic experience of 19 years, specialising in subjects like Assessment for Learning, Educational Technology, Advanced Research Methodologies in Education, Educational Management, Integrating Technology in Education, Human Resource Management in Education, Pedagogy of History etc. She is certified in various computer applications and organised various workshops in Web tools in teaching, Learning and Assessment. ICT enabled Education, Pedagogical innovations and Educational Technology and Assessment find dominance among her areas of interest in research in Education. She has completed ICSSR sponsored major research on “Enhancing Conceptual Understanding about Astronomical Concepts among Visually Impaired Students: A Technology Based Inquiry Approach" and Mumbai University sponsored minor research on ''Empowering the pre-service teachers for ICT mediated language instruction: a Problem based learning (PBL) approach.''
She has authored two books: Foundations of OB and HRM and Assessment for Learning. She has successfully guided M Ed dissertation of University of Mumbai, IGNOU, YCMOU and Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai. She is a research guide and has published and presented more than 30 Research papers in State, National and International Conferences and Seminars.
S S C,Maharashtra State Board,1992
H Sc,Maharashtra State Board,1994
B Sc (Chemistry),Mumbai University,1997
PDSE (Post Diploma in Software Engg.),Datapro InfoWorld Ltd. Mumbai,1997
B Ed,Mumbai University,2000
M A (History),Mumbai University,2005
M Ed,Mumbai University,2006
SET (Education),Pune,2009
M.Phil(Education),Mumbai University,2009
PGDME,Mumbai University,2010
M Sc (Chemistry),Madurai Kamraj University,2014
Ph D (Education),Mumbai University,2017
School Audit conducted for:
Workshop on Bloom's Taxonomy, Content Analysis, Learning Outcomes, Year/Semester Plan, Unit Plan and Unit Test at K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar on 27-06-2014
Workshop on Bloom's Taxonomy, Content Analysis, Learning Outcomes, Year/Semester Plan, Unit Plan and Unit Test at K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar on 09-07-2014
Workshop on “Web tools in teaching and learning” for Ashoka Universal School,Chandsi on June 3-4,2016.
Workshop on "Bloom's Taxonomy and Assessment for Learning" at Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust's Vishwakarma institute of Technology, Pune on December 12-13,2017
Workshop on "Bloom's Taxonomy and Assessment for Learning" at Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust's Vishwakarma institute of Technology,Pune on December 22-23,2016
Workshop on " Bloom's Taxonomy and Evaluation Rubrics" at Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust's Vishwakarma institute of Technology,Pune on May 31,2016.
Workshop on "Web tools" at Sharada High School, Kopargaon on July 13 ,2015
Faculty Development Programs Conducted
Organised ICSSR sponsored 6 Days’ Workshop on " Research Methodology and Data Analysis Using Excel for Social Sciences" - May 15-20, 2017
Organised two days workshop on “Web tools in teaching and learning” for Ashoka Universal School,Chandsi on June 3-4,2016.
Organised one day workshop on Web Resources and Graphic Organisers for Podar School,Kalyan on 2nd September 2014 at K J Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education,Training and Research
Organised ICSSR sponsored 5 Day Workshop on Statistical Analysis in Social Science Research- July 8-12, 2013
Resource Person for-
Resource person and key note speaker for "Bloom’s Taxonomy and Leaning outcomes" in National Seminar on “Learning Outcomes for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education” under the scheme PARAMARSH and in collaboration with NAAC at Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Pandharpur on January 18,2020
Resource person for-
Certificate Courses Organized
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