Evaluate, acquire, organize, and provide information resources that adequately support the curricula of the college, research needs of the students, teaching and research needs of the faculties and other library users.
About Library
The library is located in the Bhaskaracharya building at 6th Floor, with a seating capacity for more than 50 students.The college library has a unique blend of books catering to the needs of B Ed, M Ed, PhD, MAEML, PGDEL and PGDEM programs, in addition to books of literature in Gujarati, Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi and English. Books also are available for specializations in inclusive education, Guidance and Counselling, Environmental Education, Management of Education and on instructional leadership. The library boasts of excellent books by Indian and foreign authors on Philosophy, Psychology, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods.
Our Objective
Make use of electronic technologies which enables expeditious dissemination of information in various formats.
Provide library and information service responsive to the needs of the user community.
Develop a strong library network with various libraries and consortiums.
Create a learning environment, which enable the students to develop the habit of reading, learning & researching
Serve the Education community as a center of reliable information.
Facilities & Services
- In-house developed ‘Bookworm’ Library Software
- Global Common Circulation(GCC)
- Single window access to the Library from home
- Access to online Databases
- Library Portal
- Fully automated Library
- Library Orientation
- Thesis & M.Ed Dissertations
- Newspaper Clipping - Jobs, Education Field News
- Best Library User Award
- Library with seating arrangement of 50 students
- Access of E-Resources (E-Books) for the students and faculties
- Current Awareness Service - Intimation of New Arrivals and Content pages of the Journals received
Library Timing