Exam Cell

KJSSED is constituent college of Somaiya Vidyavihar University (SVU). Exam Cell of KJSSED is responsible to execute examination of all programmes offered by the KJSSED. It is part of the Center of Examination (CoE) of SVU.

The Exam Cell of KJSSED is a confidential section which supervises the entire process of examinations: preparing and displaying examination timetables, coordinating and executing semester examinations, preparation of result gazette and execution of all relevant work in connection to examinations diligently in a fair and systematic manner to meet the requirements of the students. The examinations are aligned with the academic calendar of SVU.

Dr Rupal Apurva Thakkar

In charge Exam Cell (IEC),Somaiya Vidyavihar University

6th floor, Bhaskaracharya Building

Tel: 022- 210 222 65, Ext. No. 5304

Dr Hema Rajendra Bhadawkar

In charge Exam Cell (IEC),Somaiya Vidyavihar University

6th floor, Bhaskaracharya Building

Tel: 022- 210 222 65, Ext. No. 5304