
A study of Academic Achievement of B Ed students in relation to their Hemisphericity and Self Esteem
- Abstract
Brain Hemisphericity is found to be associated with academic majors (Kolb, 1979; McCarthy, 1996). Research has demonstrated that students are capable of mastering new skills if they are taught through instructional methods that complement their hemispheric preference (Boyle & Dunn, 1998). Self-esteem is the one key ingredient that affects the level of proficiency in all fields of endeavour. Self-esteem has been correlated to: job success, school achievement, interpersonal compatibility, and general happiness (Redenbach, 1991). The author was curious to know if Hemisphericity and Self Esteem was correlate of academic achievement of B Ed students. The participants of the study were 1037 students drawn proportionately from14 B Ed colleges. The findings reveal that there is no significant relationship of Academic Achievement of B.Ed. students with their Hemisphericity but there is significant relationship of Academic Achievement of B.Ed. students with their Self-esteem. The results indicate the need to focus and enhance the Self Esteem of the B Ed students.