
Colour-blind in Acknowledging the inner conflicts of students: The Escapist Education System- Education For Peace
- Abstract
The Indian educations system is too cautious in terms of acknowledging and exploring any differences amongst student and on the contrary under the guise of neutrality shields itself from recognizing biases, prejudices, alternative beliefs that students bring to class. However despite the best efforts of the education system, students do come to classrooms with beliefs of their own which may be contradictory to what the educations system advocates. The inability of the rigid education system to respond to them converts them into inner conflicts. Rather than fuelling these inner conflicts and letting them surface, be addressed and resolved, they are silenced. However though outwardly they rarely emerge, yet internally they are ablaze. In the wake of the such scenarios in the classroom the onus shifts predominantly to the teachers how have to address these inner conflicts in the most conducive manner so that learners are not caught in the web of variance in the explanations and beliefs they hold and that of the education being given to them. The present paper tries to analyse the perception of pre service and in-service teachers regarding issues arising due to the diversity of all kinds in the Indian classrooms and their views regarding how to deal with such issues.