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Assistant Professor- Ms. Takshashila Jadhav
Takshashila Jadhav is M.A, M.Ed NET in Education; currently pursuing Ph.D has profound interest in working for the betterment of the society. She is a proactive, result oriented professional delivering excellence through effective communication, coordination, planning and execution. She constantly persuades and guides her students for social transformation through education. Her quest enticed her to design and publish a MOOC on Human Rights Education under the aegis of OE4BW International Online Mentoring program 2019, UNESCO. She has also delivered a Video lecture on yearly Eduscope, UNESCO Chair, Slovenia. In 2021 her proposal for another MOOC on Social Justice Education got accepted by OE4BW, platform, UNESCO. Under her able guidance and leadership her students have held several street-plays in different parts of Mumbai city, on various issues, spreading awareness and providing solutions in the form of various schemes and provisions to overcome the existent follies creeping from the socio-cultural, traditional, economical and political domains of the society. Her urge to foster just and humane conditions to co-exist harmoniously have been praised and appreciated by the community and have also won critical acclaim in the local newspapers.
B.A,Pune University,2003
M.A,Pune University,2005
NET in Education,University Grant Commission,2012
PGDAT,Mumbai University,2018
Orientation Program:
Obtained Grade A in UGC Human Resource Development Centre’s RUSA sponsored Orientation Program from Feb 6 to March 4, 2017.
FDP- Understanding Open Educational Resources, OE4BW- Canada
Completed the self-learning online course on "Understanding Open Educational Resources," in 2019, offered by the Commonwealth of Learning, Canada.
Refresher Program- Feminist Teaching and Research in Higher Education: Theory and Practice from University of Delhi.
Obtained Grade A+ in the Two Weeks interdisciplinary online Refresher Course on the theme "Feminist Teaching and Research in Higher Education: Theory and Practice", held from 23rd July to 6th August 2021, from Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College (Accredited Grade A by NAAC), University of Delhi.
MDP - Human Rights Education Program, under the banner of OE4BW, UNESCO Chair, Slovenia
Conducted a three-week Open online Course on Human Rights Education in 2020 under the UNESCO OE4BW initiative, successfully designing, developing, and facilitating the course with active student
Refresher Program- English Language Teaching
Completed a four-month SWAYAM ARPIT online "Annual Refresher Course in English Language Teaching" from Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, from December 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021, and secured Grade B.
FDP - E-Content Development Program, from University of Delhi
Obtained Grade A in the one-Week Faculty Development Program on E-content Development: Concept and Tools, held from 23rd to 29th November 2023, by the Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College (Accredited Grade A by NAAC), University of Delhi.
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