
Technology for leveling the playing field for visually impaired students in higher Education
- Abstract
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It is rightly said that education is empowerment. This saying perhaps has more meaning in the context of the empowerment of the visually impaired because much of the dignity is achieved in society through economic independence and education is the key to this independence for the blind and the low vision. This appears to be one of the reason for it being a focus area for most of those who have been engaged in the work for the blind. Recognizing the importance of primary and secondary education in the recent years, considerable though not adequate attention has been paid to school education, particularly through the government initiatives and schemes. But very little is talked of and has been done as far as enabling the visually impaired acquire higher education. With a view to highlighting the need for more attention towards the higher education of the visually impaired, this paper hopes to outline some of the challenges and introduce the enabling role of technology to enhance the access and quality of higher education for the blind and the low vision people.