
Touching The Sky: An Exploration of the Possibility of making Astronomy Accessible for the Visually Impaired Learners
- Abstract
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This paper is a brief account of the research in progress funded by ICSSR, in which the researchers have proposed to investigate the impact of “Technology-based Inquiry Approach”(TBIA) on the conceptual understanding of the astronomy concepts among the visually impaired(VI) learners. The study also aims to find out the effect of the TBIA on the attitude of the VI learners towards Astronomy and curiosity about Science along with their achievement in Science. This study was carried out in the STD 6th Astronomy content with the 2 groups of VI learners from Kamala Mehta School for the Blind and Victoria Memorial School for the Blind( total of 22 students). Two hours a week instructional program was conducted for a period of 6 weeks. At present the researchers are in the process of data analysis and interpretations of the findings. The present paper focuses on discussing the challenges faced by the researchers in making the Astronomy content accessible for the experimental group with TBIA and Experiences of the VI learners about learning Astronomy through inquiry learning.