
Moving beyond: Learning together Anytime Anywhere
- Abstract
As access to the Internet and World Wide Web has continued to grow,Web-based learning has continued to expand. The research literature on Web-based learning supports the assumption that interaction is important for a successful learning, yet questions exist regarding the nature and extent of the interaction and its effects on student performance. In the usual classroom the overloaded curriculum and time constraint sets an obstacle in the student -teacher and student-student interaction. Thus the purpose of this study is to provide opportunities for asynchronous learning in Environmental Education and to study students' perceptions about asynchronous learning mode in terms of accessibility and usefulness. The data about students' perceptions was collected with the help of a 5-point Likert scale, focused group interview and researchers’ observations. The major findings show that the students found the asynchronous mode of learning useful for effective transaction of the topic like Tiger project which requires focus on the affective domain of learning along with knowledge and awareness. Asynchronous mode of learning also helped to generate constructive group interaction and fostered the students' engagement in meaningful constructivist learning practices. Though the data does not permit to generalize the findings of the present study, we can conclude by saying this a. learning strategy did help to create the active learning environment and there by facilitating the commencement of building a healthy learning community beyond the conventional wall of knowledge.