
Reaching the Digital Natives: a New way of Partnering at Digital Interfaces
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The emergence of knowledge society has placed the system of higher education with challenges of completely new nature. The significance of networks and collaboration is being emphasized in every sector, the working environment becomes global and the development of information technology takes place at a speed that has no match in history. The Higher educations graduates of today are facing a world of work completely different from the one previous generation have become familiar with. They are also required to acquire new types of skills in order to be successful in the immerging knowledge society. Although these are perceived as characteristics of the generation of “digital natives”, they are hardly taken into consideration in today’s system of education in general and higher education in particular. The education sector has been blamed for lagging behind the development taking place outside the universities’ doors. Even the use of information technology in education has not always yielded the desired outcomes; instead the new tools have been harnessed to serve traditional purposes. Industrial-era conceptions of teaching and learning have proven very hard to change. The present generation of teachers which are the digital immigrants are required to be in a key role in building the knowledge society. For this they need to adopt the participatory pedagogical strategies facilitating the engaged learning of the digital natives who will lead the world in the 21st century. This presentation will throw light on some of the issues associated with the higher education of the digital natives and suggest few ways to foster engaged learning among them through “ Connecting, Collaborating and Creating”. Key words: Digital natives, digital immigrants, 21st century skills, participatory pedagogy