
Reimagining Inclusion: Pre-service Teachers’ Transformative Use of Dadaist Art for LGBT Awareness

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Usha Sharma & Kalpana Kharade
Gold And Cloud Publications
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  • Abstract

Dadaism is an art form which was always used to challenge conventional norms of our society. It has the power of attempting transformation through the strokes of colors on canvases. The controversial messages were passed through the common people through the artwork by Dadaists. Even today there are controversial issues like LGBTQ+ acceptance which cannot be discussed openly in the heteronormative society in the Indian context. The Dadaist art form is a powerful tool in such a case where one can express their beliefs through the medium of art. Teachers can be catalysts in bringing change in society through this medium of art. They need to be trained in using Dadaist poetry form for breaking their own prejudices & for using it as a reflective tool. It aimed to bring LGBT awareness by expressing voices of the most marginalized community i.e. the LGBTQ+ community. The teacher education colleges need to take a lead to train the pre-service teachers to use Dadaist poetry for reflecting their own perspectives, their beliefs on the LGBTQ+ community. The present study employed a qualitative study using one shot case study where poetic inquiry helped to explore the beliefs and feelings of pre-service teachers towards the LGBT community. The findings of the study helped to identify the strength of Dadaist poetry in drawing out the ability of cognitive perspective taking as well as empathetic concern of a pre-service teacher towards the LGBTQ+ community. The study also helped to discover the potential of this art form in directing the pre-service teachers on the path of the social justice for the LGBT community.

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