Ph. D. (Education)

Ph.D (Education)

Ph.D. in Education is a Doctoral degree programme offered by K J Somaiya School of Education under the Somaiya Vidyavihar University. We strive to prepare the research committed to create a transformative learning ecosystem.This programme is meant for those candidates who seek to explore the wide arena of research that come under the purview of education including educational psychology, philosophy, sociology, educational management, technology, educational policies and practices, international education, curriculum and teaching, to name a few.

We create opportunities for Ph.D. candidates to think, perform and execute solutions with the right blend of logic and research, creating a new breed of instructional professionals and education reformers. This programme will be cognitively enriching enabling the successful pursuit of careers as professors in universities or administrative positions in education, such as school principal and supervisors or careers in NGO’s and Think Tanks working in area of education.

If you are inclined towards research and share a deep passion to bring qualitative changes in the field of education alongside with broadening your own career prospects, then a PhD in Education is definitely something that awaits you.

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Key Information


(UGC document can be referred for equivalent minimum degree eligibility for this PhD program)

Details of Research Guides

Sr.No. Name of the Guides        Educational Qualification Research Areas
1 Prof. Dr. Hema Bhadawkar M Sc (Chemistry), M A (History), M Ed, M Phil (Education),SET & NET (Education), PGDME (Post Graduate Diploma in Management of Education), PDSE (Post Diploma in Software  Engineering), Ph D (Education)                                        Innovative Assessment, Pedagogical Innovations and Interventions, Learning Styles and Teaching Styles, Brain based Learning, Blended Learning, Flipped Learning, Educational Technology, ICT Enhanced education, Game Based Learning
2 Prof. Dr. Rupal Thakkar M.Sc, M.Ed, PGDME, Ph.D (Education) Reflective Practices Environmental Education, Experiential Education
3 Prof. Dr. Pooja Birwatkar MSc (Zoology), M.Ed, Ph.D. (Edu), Post Doc Socio-Scientific Issues, Diversity and Education, Design Thinking, Constructivist Pedagogy, Innovations in Teaching – Learning, Issues in Education
4 Prof. Dr. Manisha Gawde M.A, M.Ed, Ph.D (Education), SET (Education) Educational Psychology/ Economics of Education/ Inclusive Education

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