Master of Education | M.Ed.

Masters of Education (M.Ed.) is a comprehensive and intensive program which aims at preparing Teacher Educators and Educational Researchers. The duration of the program is 2 years. During these two years students are engaged in theoretical courses related to the discipline of Teacher Education & Internship as well as they pursue research which is mandatory component.

This course opens before the students, avenues for becoming Teacher Educators, Curriculum Developers as well as Researchers. The curriculum is in accordance with the guidelines given by National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE), India. The M.Ed. programme is specially designed to develop research skills of students so that they contribute towards enriching the researches in field of education aw well as inter disciplinary areas.

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Key Information

Learning Outcomes

  • In depth and multi-disciplinary understanding of Teacher Education Discipline
  • Development of competencies and expertise required to become teacher educator
  • Development of research skills leading to ability to conducting different types of research in domain of education
  • Enhanced understanding of research designs and use of statistics for data analysis using software packages
  • Ability to frame curriculum at school level and higher education level through application of educational philosophy, sociology, psychology and other theory courses.
  • Development of an understanding of policies and programs at higher education level

Career Prospects

  • Teacher Educators in Teacher Education Institutions.
  • Principals, Administrators & managers in Educational Institutions
  • Curriculum Developers
  • Researchers in Education & allied disciplines
  • Educational Web & Digital Apps Developer
  • Educational Technologist
  • Edupreneurs



M.Ed Course became 2 Years Full Time course with capacity of 50.


Ms Pournima Lachake secured III Rank (M Ed) from Mumbai University.


Ms Pournima Lachake secured III Rank (M Ed) from Mumbai University.


K J Somaiya School of education became the first college in Mumbai apart from University of Mumbai to offer one year M. Ed. with capacity of 40 students.


Curriculum reconceptualised and revitalized to blend with International standards and meet the global benchmarks. Choices of electives in the curriculum help focused skill development and flexible credit courses for students.

The M.Ed course is unique in terms of offering specialization in Elementary Edu/ Secondary as well as Higher Secondary Education. Advanced Specialization courses offered are Guidance & Counseling, Educational Management. Educational Technology. Inclusive Education, Engendering Education, Higher Education in India

Constructivist and dialogic instructional strategies promoting and fostering self learning.

Research projects, dissertation, academic writing and critiquing, seminar participation and research paper reading sessions in collaboration with TISS and HBCSE.

Google Classroom, Flipped classrooms, Edmodo, blogs are extensively used.

Internship exposure in Teacher Education Institutions, organizations engaged in curriculum design and development, NGOs in Education.

An array of Diploma/Certificate/Short-term courses in the education arena ranging from Educational Management & Leadership, Educational Technology, School Counselling, Design thinking, Human Rights Education, Innovations in Assessment, Instructional Design, Curriculum design and development, Experiential Environmental Education, and International Education are offered.

An all year active placement cell ensures and takes care of providing the best arrangements for placing its students as well as alumni in premier institutions. Diversified placement opportunities like Teacher Educators, Curriculum designer, Coordinators, Content developers, Teachers.

Compulsory research leading to dissertation in varied research thrust areas. Thrust on wide dissemination of research through research papers and articles.

Experienced mentors holding Ph.D. with varied research expertise. Faculty has been actively contributing towards upgrading the quality of higher education through multiple research projects as well as widespread research publications and presentations in national and international spaces. Faculty partaking in all major policy decisions taken at national level.



First Year

Semester I
  • Perspective courses
    • Philosophical Perspectives of Education,
    • Socio- Cultural Perspectives of Education
  • Tool Course
    • Introduction to Research in Education
  • Teacher Education-1
  • Self-Development Course
    • Yoga in Education
Semester II
  • Perspective courses
    • Psychological Perspectives of Education,
    • Historical,Political and Economic Perspectives of Education
  • Tool Course
    • Advance Research Methodologies in Education
    • Academic Writing
  • Teacher Education-2
  • Field Engagement
    • Internship

Program Highlights

  • Credit Based Choice System.
  • The M. Ed. Degree shall be taken by Theory and Dissertation.
  • Mandatory research in field of education leading to dissertation.
  • Compulsory Internship in teacher education institutes and allied institutes engaged in curriculum development and research

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