Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Education | B.Ed.

Become a Teacher to influence the world till eternity No nation can rise above the level of its teachers (NPE 1986). The destiny of India is being shaped in its classrooms. (Education Commission India, 1964). These observations made by eminent Indian educationists are neither exaggerations nor clichés. The development and well-being of a nation or a society depends to a large extent on its teachers. Teachers equip the future generation with the knowledge & skills which lead them towards living a meaningful life through realizing their potential to the maximum. Teaching is the mother profession because the professionals for all the other professionals are prepared by the teachers.

We, at K. J. Somaiya School of Education prepare effective and exemplary teachers for the primary, secondary and 10+2 levels. Being one of the top-ranked colleges of India, accredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC, this is the very first college of education in entire Maharashtra to get the ‘autonomous’ status. It offers a very comprehensive, global & innovative curriculum which is based on the actual needs of the schools in India and across the world. Through attachments with some of the very good schools in and around Mumbai, it provides ample opportunities for internship. It has a very impressive record of placement having a large number of our students employed in schools such as Podar International, Orchid International, Garodia International, The Somaiya School etc.Our qualified & experienced expert faculty teaches through modern innovative and digital methodology. We at KJSSED also enrich their training through frequent Workshops, Seminars Guest Lectures, Field Trips and Co-curricular activities. Our unique student-friendly assessment allows a student to showcase his/her best talent through alternative modes of assessment and enhance his/her individual scholastic achievement.


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Key Information

  • Duration
    2 Years
  • Programme Code
  • Course Type
    Bachelor Degree
  • Mode of study
    Full time
  • Campus
    Vidyavihar - Mumbai
  • Institute

Learning Outcomes

  • Foundational knowledge of Teacher Education discipline
  • Understanding of the relationship of education with other disciplines such as Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, History & Culture and contemporary Indian & global Politics
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of school pedagogy subject/s of their choice
  • Development of teaching, classroom management and ICT skills
  • Ability to conduct action research to solve immediate classroom problems
  • Fulfillment of criteria set by MHRD India to obtain a permanent position in recognized schools of India

Career Prospects

A student Teacher graduating with B.Ed. Degree has multiple career options. Some of the Career options are listed below....

  • A School Teacher at Elementary, Upper Primary, Secondary, Junior College in State, CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE Boards
  • Curriculum Developer/Text Book Writer
  • Educational Administrator/Manager /Supervisor/ Co-Ordinator
  • Educational Technologist
  • An independent Coach/Tutor
  • School counsellor



The College was conferred autonomy by UGC, India.


The College was reaccredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade


B.Ed Course became 2 Years Full Time course.


The College was reaccredited by NAAC with ‘B’ Grade


Received Permanent Affiliation of University of Mumbai to the B.Ed Course.


The College was accredited by NAAC with ‘B++’ Grade


Established as a Teacher Education College on Somaiya Campus with One year Full Time Regular B. Ed program.

Program Highlights

Part A: Theory component Part B: Practicum component
Core Courses(CC) Ability Courses(AB)
Elective Courses(EC) Project Based Courses (PC)
Interdisciplinary Courses(IC) Audit Courses(AC)
Elective Courses (Any 2):
English, Hindi, Marathi, History, Geography, Commerce, Economics, Science and Mathematics, Health, Yoga & Physical Education.
Special Fields (Any 1):
Fundamentals of Educational Research, Environmental Education, Guidance & Counselling, Pali, Prakrit, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, Performing Arts, Fine Arts.


This two year B.Ed course has been designed to promote innovation through specialised pedagogies (Single,Dual)Skill enhancement outreach activities, mentoring, application-based research, intensive internship for creating 21st century educators and teachers. Following is an overview of courses offered through 4 semesters. Along with compulsory components, there are add on certificate programmes which make our B.Ed course distinctive and unique in its way.

A student teacher may choose a Single or Dual from the following school subjects as specialization:

English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujrati, Science, Mathematics, Economics, Commerce & History

A single specialisation would lead to specialization in a particular school/college subject wherein the student would benefit by doing a comprehensive study of subject knowledge in detail across various school/ college levels as well as be trained for pedagogy.

A dual specialisation would lead to specialization in selected 2 school subjects. The student would be studying the subject in detail across school levels in a single paper along with 2 pedagogy papers.


First Year

Semester I
  • Foundational courses
    • Fundamentals of Education
    • Principles & Theories of Learning
    • Learner and Human Development
    • Education in India: A Historical Perspective
  • Transdisciplinary Courses
    • Gender, Society and Education
  • Ability Enhancing Courses-
    • Integrating Technology in Edu. 1
  • Discipline Specific Elective Courses
    • Single pedagogy specialisation,
    • OR
    • Dual pedagogy specialisation
  • Field Engagement Courses-
    • Internship under mentoring of SY students and supervisors
    • Community Work
Semester II
  • Foundational courses
    • Approaches, Methods & Skills of Teaching
    • School Management & Leadership
  • Transdisciplinary Courses
    • Contemporary Social Concerns And Challenges Of Education In India
  • Skill Development Course 1
    • Communication & Academic Skills
  • Ability Enhancing Courses
    • Integrating Technology in Edu.2
  • Discipline Specific Elective Courses
    • Single pedagogy specialisation,
    • OR
    • Dual pedagogy specialisation
  • Field Engagement Courses
    • Internship
    • Community Work

Add on Certificate/Diplomas

  • School Counselling Education
  • Human Rights Education
  • Design Thinking
  • Experiential Environmental Education
  • Educational Technology
  • Queering Teacher Education
  • Teacher Education with an International Perspective


Curriculum reconceptualised and revitalized to blend with International standards and meet the global benchmarks. Choices of electives in the curriculum help focused skill development and flexible credit courses for students.

Subject content specialization is a distinguishing feature.A single specialisation entails specialization in a particular school/college subject with the benefit by doing a comprehensive study of subject knowledge in detail across various school/ college levels as well as being trained for pedagogy. A dual specialisation leads to specialization in selected 2 school subjects.

Wide arena of discipline specific electives are offered ranging from disciplines of Research, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and Teacher Education whereas general elective courses encompass areas like Fine Arts and Performing Arts, Creative Arts, Ancient and Foreign Languages, Physical Education and Yoga.

Constructivist and Innovative instructional strategies for dynamic and active engagement in pursuit of holistic learning to cater to needs of the millennial.

Seminar, Symposium, Debate, Discussions, Simulations, Colloquium, Case Studies,Round Robin Brainstorming, Collingwood Approach, Cooperative learning, Quizzes, lively discussions in classrooms.

Google Classroom,Flipped classrooms, Edmodo, blogs, Edlfly platforms,GeoGebra, GChemPaint, Kahoot, Hot Potatoes, Socrative, Survey Monkey,Mangahigh, Orell Digital Language Lab are extensively used.

Application of theory to real-world experiences through different hands-on learning like real classroom settings, laboratory experiments and community engagement for advancement of course-based learning outcomes targeting the employability skills.

Compulsory community engagement through participation in cleanliness drives, services in old age homes, orphanages, special schools, NGO’s as well as any other area of social welfare.

In-depth, contextualised internship across different school levels and boards in both urban and rural educational systems.Internship coordinators through shadow teaching maintain personal contact with the interns in order to provide customized specialization processes.

Peer group learning in various capacities via ICT training, enhancing language competency, participation in various inter-college and intra-college competitions and in the form of community engagement.

Enriching experiences shared by expert faculties/alumni through guest lecturers, workshops, seminars from school/college/NGO to provide insight in real life scenarios.

An array of Diploma/Certificates in the education arena ranging from Leadership, Management, Technology, Counselling, Design thinking, Human Rights, Assessment, Instructional Design, Curriculum design and development, Experiential Environmental Education, Research and International Education are offered

An all year active placement cell ensures and takes care to provide the best arrangements for placing its students as well as alumni in premier institutions. Diversified placement opportunities like Curriculum designer, Coordinators, Content developers, Teachers, School Counsellors, Shadow teachers are made available.

Multicultural and vibrant campus life with numerous academic, technical and cultural,sports excursions, yoga, field visits ,nature trails foster in building proactive students and lead to their all-round development.

Compulsory research theory paper along with a mandatory research based project . Thrust on wide dissemination of research through research papers and articles.

Highly qualified, versatile and experienced mentors with varied research expertise. Faculty has been actively contributing towards upgrading the quality of higher education through multiple research projects as well as widespread research publications and presentations in national and international spaces.Faculty partaking in all major policy decisions taken at national level.


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